Counseling Pdf Army

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Types of Developmental Counseling

All leaders will maintain a counseling packet for each of their Soldiers IAW this SOP. Leaders will secure counseling folders and all PII IAW Army & DOD regulations. Leaders in the 1st Infantry Division will read ATP 6-22.1, The Counseling Process, July 2014. Leaders will review packets IAW published guidance. FM 6-22 Appendix B (Counseling) This reference has been superseded by ATP 6-22.1, ADP 6-22, and ADRP 6-22.We provide this because the information contain is still useful in the counseling process. COUNSELING DATE NEXT PERFORMANCE COUNSELING DATE DUE. Title: Microsoft Word - counselingdatasheet.doc Author: bbuy Created Date: 8/2/2003 8:54:13.

Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate’s demonstrated performance and potential. Counseling, one of the most important leadership and professional development responsibilities, enables Army leaders to help Soldiers and Army Civilians become more capable, resilient, satisfied, and better prepared for current and future responsibilities. Counseling tools clearly support the Army counseling system. Nevertheless, there is no single form, doctrinal manual, or regulation that alone creates a perfect system. It is a leader responsibility to make the Army counseling system a success. Having said that, effective counseling does not always have.

1-1. Regular developmental counseling is the Army’s most important tool for developing future leaders at every level. Counseling responsibilities are inherent in leadership. Leaders at all levels must understand the counseling process. More importantly, Army leaders must understand that effective counseling helps achieve desired goals and effects, manages expectations, and improves the organization. Leaders should emphasize routine counseling to reinforce positive behavior and superior performance. Regular counseling provides leaders with opportunities to:

  • Demonstrate genuine interest in subordinates.
  • Help subordinates understand their role in accomplishing the unit’s mission.
  • Acknowledge and reinforce exceptional work or dedication.
  • Evaluate subordinates’ potential for development.
  • Provide subordinates with assistance or resources to address issues or further strengths.
  • Empower subordinates to identify and solve issues on their own so they are more self-reliant.
  • Identify issues before they become significant problems.
  • Identify and pre-empt causes of sub-standard performance.

1-2. Developmental counseling is categorized by the purpose of the session. Understanding the purpose and types of counseling enables the leader to adapt the counseling session to the individual subordinate’s needs in order to achieve desired outcomes and manage expectations. Counseling is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; it is a shared effort between the leader and subordinate.

1-3. Ares 3.1 7 free download. The three major categories of developmental counseling are:

  • Event counseling.
  • Performance counseling.
  • Professional growth counseling.
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1-4. While these categories can help organize and focus counseling sessions, they should not be viewed as separate or exhaustive. For example, a counseling session that focuses on resolving an issue may also address improving duty performance. A session focused on performance often includes a discussion on opportunities for professional growth. Regardless of the purpose or topic of the counseling session, leaders should follow a basic format for preparation, execution, and follow-up. DA Form 4856 (Developmental Counseling Form) provides a useful framework to prepare for counseling. It helps organize the relevant issues to discuss during counseling sessions.

The Leader as Counselor

2-1. To be effective, counseling must be a shared effort. Leaders assist their subordinates in identifying strengths and weaknesses and creating plans of action. Once an individual development plan is agreed upon, leaders support their Soldiers and Army Civilians throughout implementation and continued assessment. To achieve success, subordinates must be forthright in their commitment to improve and candid in their own assessments and goal setting.

2-2. Army leaders evaluate Army Civilian job performance using procedures prescribed under civilian personnel policies. Use of DA Form 4856 is appropriate to counsel Army Civilians on professional growth and career goals. The servicing civilian personnel office should be consulted when using a DA Form 4856 to counsel an Army Civilian concerning misconduct or poor performance.

2-3. Army leaders conduct counseling to help subordinates become better team members, maintain or improve performance, and prepare for the future. While it is not easy to address every possible counseling situation, leader self-awareness and an adaptable counseling style focusing on key characteristics will enhance personal effectiveness as a counselor. These key characteristics include:

  • Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the counseling.
  • Flexibility: Adapt the counseling approach to each subordinate, situation, and relationship.
  • Respect: View subordinates as unique, complex individuals with distinct values, beliefs, and attitudes.
  • Communication: Establish open, two-way communication with subordinates using verbal and nonverbal actions (such as body language or gestures). Effective counselors listen more than they speak.
  • Support: Encourage subordinates through direction, guidance, and supportive actions.

The Qualities of the Counselor

2-4. Army leaders must demonstrate certain qualities to be effective counselors. These qualities include respect for subordinates, self-awareness, cultural awareness, empathy, and credibility.

2-5. One challenging aspect of counseling is selecting the proper approach to a specific situation. /harmy-despecialized-return-of-the-jedi-download-torrent.html. To counsel effectively, the technique used must fit the situation, leader capabilities, and subordinate expectations. Sometimes, leaders may only need to give information or listen, while in other situations a subordinate’s improvement may call for a brief word of praise. Difficult circumstances may require structured counseling followed by definite actions, such as referrals to outside agencies.

2-6. Self-aware Army leaders consistently develop and improve their own counseling abilities. They do so by studying human behavior, understanding the kinds of problems that affect their subordinates, and developing their interpersonal skills. The techniques needed to provide effective counseling vary from person to person and session to session. However, general skills that leaders will need in almost every situation include active listening, responding, and appropriate questioning.

Counseling Skills

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2-7. Military leaders are trained to analyze missions, identify required tasks, and take appropriate actions. Some of these skills apply to counseling as leaders use problem-solving and decisionmaking skills to identify and apply the proper counseling techniques to specific counseling situations.

2-8. To be effective, counselors must have these basic counseling skills:

  • Active listening.
  • Responding.
  • Appropriate questioning.

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Active Listening

2-9. Active listening implies listening thoughtfully and deliberately to capture the nuances of the subordinate’s language. Stay alert for common themes. A subordinate’s opening and closing statements as well as recurring references may indicate personal priorities. Inconsistencies and gaps may indicate an avoidance of the real issue. Certain inconsistencies may suggest additional questions by the counselor.

2-10. Active listening communicates that the leader values the subordinate and enables reception of the subordinate’s message. To capture and understand the message fully, leaders listen to what is said and observe the subordinate’s mannerisms. Key elements of active listening include:

  • Eye contact. Maintaining eye contact without staring helps show sincere interest. Occasional breaks of eye contact are normal and acceptable, while excessive breaks, paper shuffling, clock- watching, and repeated mobile telephone checks may indicate a lack of interest or concern.
  • Body posture. Being relaxed and comfortable will help put the subordinate at ease. However, an overly relaxed position or slouching may be interpreted as a lack of interest.
  • Head nods. Occasional nodding indicates attention and encourages the subordinate to continue.
  • Facial expressions. Keep facial expressions natural and relaxed to signal a sincere interest.
  • Verbal expressions. Refrain from talking too much and avoid interrupting. Let the subordinate do the talking, while keeping the discussion on the counseling subject.
  • Check for understanding. Paraphrase or summarize points back to the subordinate for confirmation; for example, “What I heard was…”.

2-11. Leaders pay attention to the subordinate’s gestures to understand the complete message. By watching a subordinate’s actions, leaders identify the emotions behind the words. Not all actions are proof of feelings but they should be considered. Nonverbal indicators of leader and subordinate attitude include:

Army Abcp Counseling Pdf

  • Interest, friendliness, and openness. Be aware that counselor actions must be context and situation specific. For example, leaning toward the subordinate may be considered as expressing interest or being aggressive—the counselor must be able to understand how the subordinate will interpret this action.
  • Self-confidence. Standing tall, leaning back with hands behind the head, and maintaining steady eye contact.
  • Anxiety. Sitting on the edge of the chair with arms uncrossed and hands open.
  • Boredom. Drumming on the table, doodling, clicking a ballpoint pen, or resting the head in the palm of the hand.
  • Defensiveness. Pushing deeply into a chair, glaring, or making sarcastic comments as well as crossing or folding arms in front of the chest.
  • Frustration. Rubbing eyes, pulling on an ear, taking short breaths, wringing the hands, or frequently changing total body position.

2-12. Leaders consider each indicator carefully. Although each may reveal something about the subordinate, do not judge too quickly. When unsure, leaders look for reinforcing indicators or check the subordinate to understand the behavior, determine what underlies it, and allow the subordinate to understand the conditions that led to the behavior and to take responsibility.


2-14. Although focused questioning is an important skill, counselors should use it with caution. During professional growth counseling, leaders should ask open-ended questions to obtain information or to get the subordinate to think deeper about a particular situation. Questions should evoke more than a yes or no answer and not lead toward a specific answer or conclusion. Well-posed questions deepen understanding, encourage further discussion, and create a constructive experience. Too many questions can aggravate the power differential between a leader and a subordinate and place the subordinate in a passive mode. The subordinate may also react to excessive questioning, especially if it resembles an interrogation, as an intrusion of privacy and become defensive.

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